Frequently Asked
I am responsible for managing a lift in my building. What do I need to do now?
You are responsible for keeping your lift in safe working order. Firstly, you need to arrange for regular maintenance. If the lift is at a place of work, a thorough examination will also be required at intervals set out in legislation.
Can Intelligent look after any manufacturer's equipment?
Yes. Intelligent can proactively maintain, fault find, repair, and modernise equipment of any manufacturer. We own a wide range of electronic diagnostic equipment and stock a huge range of commonly used manufacturers' parts.
What is a thorough examination?
Although many of the checks are similar, this is not the same thing as maintenance! A thorough examination focuses only on the safety of the equipment in line with LOLER requirements. This will usually be carried out by your insurers or a nominated 'competent person'. It is not recommended to have the lift contractor carry out this inspection as essentially they will be assessing their own maintenance work. This may also be referred to as a statutory examination or an insurance inspection (as the insurers usually carry it out). A thorough examination will be undertaken either to a specific schedule for the equipment, or every 6 months for a passenger carrying lift, or annually for a goods only lift.
What about if the lift breaks with somebody stuck inside?
You are responsible for putting an emergency plan in place for the rescue of trapped passengers. We operate a 24hr manned help desk ready to respond to any emergencies, calling the Fire Brigade should only ever be considered as a last resort.
Lifts have emergency telephone autodialers which enable a direct voice link for two way communication with our emergency help desk. Ask us about our fully EN81-28 compliant range of autodialers and monitoring solutions.
Must I have any additional testing carried out?
Additional testing is no longer statutory, but instead now supplementary. Older lift testing framework has since been split up into a list of 22 specific tests. These tests are now only required where called for by a competent person (could be called for to support the thorough examination, a concern arising from routine maintenance, a lift consultant's specification, or a client request).
Do I have to upgrade my lift to modern standards?
Yes. BSEN81-80 is the current standard relating to the modernisation of existing lifts and you must make reasonable adjustment to the lift system in order to comply. It is important to realise that new products and technological advancements in the lift industry greatly improve the safety of existing lifts. If you are unsure, please contact us.